Lending long-term whilst borrowing short-term is the typical dynamic of a commercial bank. It takes deposits from the public with the promise of keeping them safe and lends them out for a longer period in exchange for a return. Seems easy enough to understand. So, how do financial crises occur with these organisations at the centre of the action?
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A Quick Review of Different Asset Classes
As the old saying goes, you should not put all your eggs in one basket. This is a valuable metaphor for explaining how to manage your investment risk. Investing money over a wide range of assets is the key to lower risk without sacrificing the potential for higher returns.
Nuclear Power Makes a Mega Comeback Worldwide
Despite nuclears controversial past, it is currently poised as one of the most affordable low carbon energy options we have. The key takeaway for investors as nuclear becomes key to achieving net zero ambitions, is monitoring the demand for uranium. As demand exceeds supply, uranium stocks could see a skip in their step at the center of the transition.
Dividends Explained
People talk a lot about dividends but what are they, how do they work and how can you use them to guide your investment choices?